N3val Engineering would be prepaired to cope, on technologi cal ~ s P•tls, de tratamento tirmi c o finat, elas s5o extremam~nte dificeis de soldar.
weeks, and the tests are done once a week. The test should always include a previously tested, known. FINAT TECHNICAL HANDBOOK 2014 |
FINAT TECHNICAL HANDBOOK 2014 |. Rub test 23°C ± 2°C and 50% RH ± 5% RH. Place the test piece against a firm, flat backing, and
1. FINAT Technical Committee. Technical handbook – test methods. 7th ed. Hague/Netherlands: FINAT, 2005. 95 p.
7 USDA Forest Service, varios autores, 1935: “A naval stores handbook dealing with [pdf]. Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e das Florestas. 33 pp.FINAT Technical Handbook. (Test Methods). 5th Edition. Produzido no laboratório Adike. 14. FINAT. Órgão internacional de padronização dos auto-.
feitos de acordo com norma FINAT (Technical Handbook 9th Edition / 2014 – FTM. 9). Nos testes de adesividade, o corpo de prova foi colado em placas de aço